


responded (
  HitakiEfwProtocol* self,
  guint version,
  guint seqnum,
  guint category,
  guint command,
  HitakiEfwProtocolError status,
  gpointer params,
  guint param_count,
  gpointer user_data

Description [src]

Emitted when the unit transfers asynchronous packet as response of Echo Audio Efw transaction and the process successfully reads the content of response from ALSA Efw driver.

Default handler:

The default handler is called after the handlers added via g_signal_connect().

The signal can be emitted directly


version guint

The version of transaction protocol.

seqnum guint

The sequence number of response.

category guint

The value of category field in the response.

command guint

The value of command field in the response.

status HitakiEfwProtocolError

The status of response.

params An array of guint32

The array with quadlet elements of parameters in response of Fireworks protocol.

 The length of the array is specified in the param_count argument.
param_count guint

The number of elements of the array.